Thursday, November 20, 2008

Where has the liver gone?

Okay, I've finally found something that Luke loves; liver. Now finding liver is the trick; you use to be able to get it at any grocer. That is back in Canada when I was showing dogs in the conformation ring. I had to buy it all the time to cook and bake it up for bait. Now I want it to feed to Luke and I can't find it.

I even went to a butchers yesterday where they had veal liver; at 12.00/lb "are you kidding me." So I'm on a search to find a good supplier of liver; I think I'll have a look at the freeze dried stuff, see where it comes from and perhaps it will suffice until I find the real thing.

Liver is very strong smelling and definitely stirs something in Luke. So what is in liver that is so great?

The list is long; but what you quickly see from the information is that it is a high fat, high cholesterol, high vit A meat. High caloric foods is what I need for Luke. Liver gives him the taste sensation he needs while giving him more nutrients in small amounts than other meats.

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