Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The incredible edible egg

Sunday morning breakfast; two fried eggs and toast. Eggs aren't just for us anymore, eggs are a great source of protein for our dogs and they are very affordable. Most dogs love eggs; not all though. You know who I'm talking about; Luke is not an egg fan. So if eggs are on the menu I have some hide'n seek work to do.

Yesterday was egg day and with a ton of liver on hand I was able to conceal just about completely. I cooked up two eggs for the poodles, one for Jessie and two for my son. Easy fixing; they all went into the pot and I returned 10 minutes later. Running cold water over the eggs before attempting to shell them saves your fingers.

I chopped the dogs eggs as much as I could; mashed them really. You can't hide big pieces, I needed to be able to disguise them. The girls ate them without one bit of complaint; Luke knew there was something other than his liver in the bowl but he ate them. Here is the facts below.


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