Monday, September 14, 2009


You know the old saying "an apple a day?" Well an apple a day is good for you and apples are good for dogs but did you know that the seeds are poisonous? I have known this for years but it was recently brought to my attention that others do not know this. Apple seeds contain cyanogenic acids which is a compound of cyanide. Dogs are especially susceptable to the effects being that they are much smaller than us. So when you do give your dog apple make sure that there are no seeds included.

Apples contain potassium and are an excellent source of dietary fibre. I will typically cut up 3/4 of an apple to split between the three dogs in their food. Both Jessie and Tilley enjoy apples but if there is anything else that is better in their books they'll save the apple for later.

So do give your dogs some apple but make sure the seeds hit the garbage can. And if you can; buy Organic apples.

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