The dogs had halibut lastnight; I knew ahead of time that Luke probably was not going to eat his dinner so he got it doctored up. He is very talented at picking through his food, eating what he likes and discarding the rest. Just yesterday morning he was showing off his talent to the fullest. My husband was feeding the dogs some morning toast, which is 12 whole grain organic bread from Trader Joe's with lots of butter. The girls of course will eat whatever, Luke on the other hand must have a tiny piece to start or it simply doesn't work out. Then as he got his piece he proceeded to eat the buttery part and shot the crust which had no butter on it out at the end.
Now that is what I call talent. When I feed the dogs in bowls; Jessie will toss what is 2nd or 3rd on the yummy meter out of the bowl onto the floor. Once she has eaten the prime selection she will then go back and eat whatever was tossed onto the floor. The girls really enjoyed the halibut, Luke not so much. So he got some barbequed chicken from the night before and yes butter. He wouldn't even look at his food until I told him there was butter in it.
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