Sunday, April 19, 2009

Feeding chat

I just love feeding my Jack Russell,Jessie. She will literally eat anything, and I have only found two things she's not keen on. One is orange and the other mushrooms which makes perfect sense. As adult dogs they know not to eat the mushrooms that pop up in the back yard sometimes. How they know is a puzzle but they just do. They know what grass to eat and not to eat and can pick through a pile of green plants to find the one they are looking for.

Yesterday morning as I was trying to get Luke to give his breakfast a chance I thought how nice it would be if he was an eater. He truly is a joy to feed my girls; they'll eat anything. And as I was doing the "mmmmmmmm, look Luke yummy" routine I was growing weery again. Every single time it is the samething, unless of course it is raw beef, his favorite.

Lastnight they had dogfood mixed with other things like oatmeal, yellow pepper, some tomatoes and a meatball for Luke. Jessie cannot eat this dogfood, doesn't agree with her for some reason. But she'll eat anything like I said so I don't mind and being that she is all of 15 lbs she just needs a fraction of what the poodles eat. So her protein was egg lastnight and she ate like a champ.

Luke on the other hand said he wasn't even trying his food. I showed him that I had put a meatball in there; and the topper was of course butter. Fine...............................he'd give it a try, and amazingly he ate it; all of it. I like to give them Orijen (which was recommended by a good friend) every so often just so that sometime if I need to have them eat it they will be ready. To have three dogs that eat like champs? Asking too much I think.

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