Thursday, October 8, 2009

Mmmmm sardines again

Okay; I've almost got is now, the art of opening the sardine can without getting sardine juice on my hands. I really should just put a pair of gloves on but I always seem to remember that fact just after feeling the drip. If you can bare with me here; I am so careful it's ridiculous actually. I hold the weird rectangle can in my right hand and brace my left to pull the tab. I do it without any jerking; nice and smooth but presto somehow a drip of this foul smelling fish juice gets on me everytime.

So anyway; sardines are really great for your dog if you can stomach them. Fish; fishy fish is not one of my favorite things to cook. I'm just now learning to like salmon; which is what we will eat tonight, dogs too. Up until now I've only eaten lobster, scallops, shrimp and halibut but I recently dropped beef from my own diet so I'm picking up salmon. Salmon and Sardines are virtually equals as far as Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Both fish are a good source of calcium but the bones must be consumed.

Typically when salmon is served fresh the bones are removed; they are also too hard for us to digest. But if you eat canned salmon and keep the bones in; then they are a great source of calcium like sardines (eewww). But for our dogs; either works and they don't typically turn their noses up at sardines. I do though.

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