Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bones and a scarfer

Bones are a hot topic these days. Your conventional vets who learned their canine nutritional facts from the dog food company are going to be none too happy about feeding bones. There are those for and those against as in most subjects. I am on the fence about bones; I don't think wolves in the wild eat as many bones as people are assuming that they do. Heck check out the carcass after a wolf feast and there you will see a bone carcass. Yes I agree that they eat small bones; say rabbit or other vermin but big rib or leg bones, I doubt it.

I read an article where the writer stated that chewing on bones is not a natural behavior of dogs. Now that I totally don't believe; my guys love chewing bones and again; watch a wolf documentary to see them chewing on the bones after a meal. Feeding bones can be tricky; my girl Jessie (Jack Russell) has never been a chewer, very dangerous to feed bones to. So I have bought a huge bag of cartilage which I cut into very small pieces to feed her. I also let them chew on very large pieces of cartilage. Cartilage can be chewed and digested fairly easy although you have to watch the scarfers. Both of my poodles chew; which is a good thing.

I have human grade bone meal to add to their meals which is very important if they are not having enough bone or cartilage in their meal.

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