Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On the edge

Whoa; sometimes I find myself teetering on the edge of a major gross out. I take hold and talk myself down using reason and dedication. I want to feed my dogs to the best of my ability; if at times that means giving them things that can cause my stomach to turn and my brain to consider a gag reflex then so be it. No I would not like a big bowl of organs and parts to eat but the dogs love it and it is very good for them. I can see how much they love it because Luke eats it. (No picture today; I'm sure you can imagine what ground liver, kidney, cheeks and tongue look like in a bowl.)

Along with this lovely mixture of protein was chopped and shredded carrots, chopped organic red pepper, roasted garlic quinoa and sardines which is another delightful and lovely thing I do for my dogs. Let's face it people; dogs eat lots of things that we would never consider eating. Even my perfect princess Tilley finds rabbit droppings a treat; and she really loves coyote poop. She doesn't eat alot of other disgusting things but these two are her favorites. My eating machine Jessie has picked up the worst of things, dried worms are on the top of her list. She also loves rotting fish she finds on the beach.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?"

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