I've been crazy busy today and wanted something quick and easy for the hounds. I scored bigtime when I stopped in at the grocers and got round steak for 1.77/lb. Sweet. That is a great deal and four whopp'n sized pieces was only 18.00. I decided to give them a nice big meal tonight; Luke wasn't big on his turkey this morning. So I cut up the beef; added some flax and some egg shell and sat down to feed.
I wasn't sure how well Tilley would do with her Vestibular issue but she did great. I always like to use feeding time as a training time so that the dogs work for their food. As you can see the first exercise was "leave it" which even amazes me when they succeed this well. Then it is manner time; no grabbing, no fighting, the occasional sit or down and then it's gone.
Quick easy and as healthy as it gets.